Microsoft Windows

  • Extensions that are supported by the program Microsoft Windows

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program Microsoft Windows with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program Microsoft Windows can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program Microsoft Windows visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The Microsoft Windows supports the files
File format .ACW
File format .AOS
File format .APM
File format .APPLICATION
File format .APPREF-MS
File format .APPX
File format .BAT
File format .BCS
File format .BFC
File format .BK2
File format .BKF
File format .BLG
File format .BMC
File format .BMK
File format .CAB
File format .CAMP
File format .CAT
File format .CDMP
File format .CHK
File format .CHL
File format .CHM
File format .CLP
File format .CMD
File format .CNT
File format .COM
File format .CONTACT
File format .COV
File format .CPE
File format .CPL
File format .CRD
File format .CRDS
File format .CRWL
File format .CUB
File format .CUR
File format .DAT
File format .DDF
File format .DECRYPT
File format .DESKLINK
File format .DEV
File format .DIAGCAB
File format .DIAGCFG
File format .DIAGPKG
File format .DIC
File format .DIT
File format .DLL
File format .DL_
File format .DRV
File format .EBD
File format .EDB
File format .EDRWX
File format .EX_
File format .E_E
File format .FID
File format .FND
File format .FNT
File format .FON
File format .FOT
File format .FTG
File format .FUL
File format .GADGET
File format .GID
File format .GMMP
File format .GPD
File format .GRL
File format .GRP
File format .H1Q
File format .HDMP
File format .HDS
File format .HHC
File format .HHK
File format .HHT
File format .HLP
File format .HSH
File format .HTA
File format .HTT
File format .HXT
File format .ICL
File format .ICM
File format .IME
File format .INF
File format .INF_LOC
File format .INI
File format .INS
File format .ITEMDATA-MS
File format .JOB
File format .JPN
File format .JRS
File format .JS
File format .JSE
File format .KBD
File format .KDMP
File format .KOR
File format .LCK
File format .LGC
File format .LGF
File format .LGI
File format .LGL
File format .LIBRARY-MS
File format .LNK
File format .LOG
File format .LOG1
File format .LOG2
File format .MAI
File format .MAILHOST
File format .MANIFEST
File format .MAPIMAIL
File format .MAZ
File format .MCI
File format .MDMP
File format .MFT
File format .MIG
File format .MLC
File format .MOF
File format .MPV2
File format .MSC
File format .MSD
File format .MSI
File format .MSN
File format .MSP
File format .MSSTYLES
File format .MST
File format .MSWMM
File format .MUI
File format .MUI_CCCD5AE0
File format .MVB
File format .MYDOCS
File format .NLS
File format .NT
File format .OCX
File format .OEM
File format .OSC
File format .OSDX
File format .OTF
File format .P7B
File format .P7C
File format .P7R
File format .PAL
File format .PBK
File format .PDR
File format .PERFMONCFG
File format .PFM
File format .PFX
File format .PIF
File format .PNF
File format .PRF
File format .PROPDESC
File format .PS1
File format .PSC1
File format .PSD1
File format .PSM1
File format .PWL
File format .QDS
File format .QIC
File format .RBF
File format .RBK
File format .RDP
File format .REG
File format .RELOC
File format .RESMONCFG
File format .RMD
File format .SCF
File format .SCR
File format .SCT
File format .SEARCH-MS
File format .SET
File format .SFCACHE
File format .SFX
File format .SHB
File format .SHD
File format .SHS
File format .SLUPKG-MS
File format .SPL
File format .SQM
File format .SWP
File format .SYM
File format .SYS
File format .T2
File format .THA
File format .THE
File format .THEME
File format .TLB
File format .TMP
File format .TRX_DLL
File format .TSC
File format .TTC
File format .TTF
File format .TX_
File format .UCE
File format .UDL
File format .USERTILE-MS
File format .VBE
File format .VBS
File format .VGA
File format .VGD
File format .VHD
File format .VHDX
File format .VXD
File format .VX_
File format .WAB
File format .WDF
File format .WEBPNP
File format .WER
File format .WIN
File format .WMP
File format .WS
File format .WSC
File format .WSF
File format .WSH
File format .XDR
File format .XOML
File format .XPS
File format .XRM-MS
File format .386
File format .!@!
File format .###
File format .---
File format .12A
File format .2GR
File format .3~6
File format .ADTG
File format .AP0
File format .APREF-MS
File format .AS_
File format .BTWSENDTO
File format .CB
File format .CBO
File format .CCC
File format .CHI
File format .CHQ
File format .CRMLOG
File format .CU_
File format .DA1
File format .DAT_TUREG_OLD
File format .DDE
File format .DFL
File format .DIR00
File format .DOS
File format .DTH
File format .DTJ
File format .DUP
File format .EPRTX
File format .FOLDER
File format .H1D
File format .HHP
File format .HMSD
File format .HPC
File format .HTI
File format .HTW
File format .HXD
File format .HXH
File format .HXW
File format .ICX
File format .IDENTIFIER
File format .IN_
File format .IPI
File format .JOD
File format .JQX
File format .LGA
File format .LGD
File format .LGG
File format .LGJ
File format .LGK
File format .LGM
File format .LGN
File format .LGQ
File format .LGR
File format .LGS
File format .LGZ
File format .LLS
File format .LS1
File format .M13
File format .M14
File format .MC
File format .MCML
File format .MFI
File format .MM4
File format .MSDM
File format .MS_
File format .MUIMANIFEST
File format .MVA
File format .NIP
File format .OC_
File format .OLE
File format .ORS
File format .P5X
File format .PBT
File format .PCI
File format .PI$
File format .PMA
File format .POW
File format .PS2XML
File format .PTXML
File format .RESP
File format .RNK
File format .RVP
File format .RWM
File format .RX
File format .SF0
File format .SWIDTAG
File format .THEM
File format .THME
File format .TINF
File format .V4E
File format .V4S
File format .VH
File format .VTD
File format .W20
File format .W31
File format .W40
File format .W95
File format .W98
File format .WBF
File format .WCINV-MS-P2P
File format .WFS
File format .WIMP
File format .WSS
File format .WTL
File format .ZRS
File format ._DL
File format ._VTI_BIN
File format .~~C
File format .~~D
File format .~~F
File format .~~G
File format .~~M