PaintShop Pro

  • Extensions that are supported by the program PaintShop Pro

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program PaintShop Pro with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program PaintShop Pro can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program PaintShop Pro visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The PaintShop Pro supports the files
File format .AFX
File format .ARW
File format .BAY
File format .BMP
File format .BRK
File format .CALS
File format .CDR
File format .CGM
File format .CMX
File format .CPT
File format .CUR
File format .CUT
File format .DGN
File format .DIB
File format .DRW
File format .EMF
File format .EMZ
File format .EPS
File format .EPSF
File format .EVENT
File format .EXIF
File format .FFF
File format .FPX
File format .GIF
File format .HGL
File format .HPL
File format .IFF
File format .IIQ
File format .J2C
File format .J2K
File format .JBF
File format .JBR
File format .JFI
File format .JP2
File format .JPC
File format .JPEG
File format .JPF
File format .JPG
File format .JPX
File format .LBM
File format .MAC
File format .MEF
File format .MIP
File format .MOS
File format .MRW
File format .MSK
File format .NCR
File format .NEF
File format .NRW
File format .ORF
File format .PBM
File format .PCD
File format .PCT
File format .PCX
File format .PDD
File format .PEF
File format .PEN
File format .PFR
File format .PGM
File format .PIC
File format .PICT
File format .PNG
File format .PPM
File format .PSD
File format .PSP
File format .PSPBRUSH
File format .PSPIMAGE
File format .Q1Q
File format .Q2Q
File format .Q4Q
File format .Q5R
File format .Q7Q
File format .Q8R
File format .Q9R
File format .Q9S
File format .RAF
File format .RAS
File format .RAW
File format .RLE
File format .RSB
File format .RW2
File format .SA9
File format .SCT
File format .SEL
File format .SGI
File format .SVG
File format .SVGZ
File format .TGA
File format .TIF
File format .TUB
File format .WBMP
File format .WI
File format .WMF
File format .WPG
File format .X3F
File format .XBM
File format .XPM
File format .XWD
File format .3FR
File format .8BA
File format .8BF
File format .8BI