Microsoft Windows NotePad

  • Extensions that are supported by the program Microsoft Windows NotePad

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program Microsoft Windows NotePad with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program Microsoft Windows NotePad can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program Microsoft Windows NotePad visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The Microsoft Windows NotePad supports the files The Microsoft Windows NotePad converts the files:
File format .AML
File format .ASC
File format .ASCII
File format .ASM
File format .ASP
File format .ATT
File format .AU3
File format .BAT
File format .BBS
File format .BML
File format .BS2
File format .BSDL
File format .C
File format .CC
File format .CHORD
File format .CONF
File format .CPP
File format .CSHTML
File format .CSPROJ
File format .CSS
File format .CXX
File format .DBML
File format .DBPROJ
File format .DESC
File format .ETX
File format .EXTRA
File format .FAQ
File format .FODP
File format .FODS
File format .FODT
File format .FSI
File format .FSPROJ
File format .FSSCRIPT
File format .FSX
File format .FTN
File format .H
File format .HEX
File format .HVC
File format .JPGW
File format .KLG
File format .LSP
File format .MARKDOWN
File format .NFO
File format .NOW
File format .OEACCOUNT
File format .OPML
File format .OSC
File format .PAS
File format .REG
File format .WS
File format .WSF
File format .!!!
File format .AGTEMPLATE
File format .AHTM
File format .AHTML
File format .AMOS
File format .ANDROID
File format .APPCACHE
File format .AUPRESET
File format .AXS
File format .BA1
File format .BAL
File format .BLM
File format .C#
File format .CASCII
File format .CGX
File format .CHTML
File format .CSVX
File format .CWMS
File format .CXE
File format .DB-JOURNAL
File format .DBP
File format .DFE
File format .DKZ
File format .DOK
File format .DSML
File format .DVB
File format .EAF
File format .EDT
File format .FDML
File format .FDOC
File format .FFPRESET
File format .FODG
File format .FOUNTAIN
File format .FPAGE
File format .FRAG
File format .FSA
File format .GMANIFEST
File format .GPL
File format .GRXML
File format .GYP
File format .HTML5
File format .HXML
File format .ID31
File format .ID32
File format .IFT
File format .IL
File format .ILL
File format .INI2
File format .INUSE
File format .JACL
File format .JEB
File format .JGS
File format .JSONP
File format .LNC
File format .LOLS
File format .M2R
File format .MCML
File format .MDLE
File format .MDTEXT
File format .MDTXT
File format .MDWN
File format .MKDN
File format .MKP
File format .MORSE
File format .MSHXML
File format .NBR
File format .NCLK
File format .NHP
File format .NPDT
File format .OOGL
File format .OPLM
File format .P3X
File format .PDML
File format .PDU
File format .PGW
File format .PHP1
File format .PLSX
File format .PPML
File format .PSML
File format .PTXML
File format .QUD
File format .RDAT
File format .REA
File format .RESP
File format .RPYM
File format .RRC
File format .RSL
File format .RTL
File format .RUB
File format .S1P
File format .S2P
File format .S3P
File format .S4P
File format .SAAS
File format .SBML
File format .SOAP
File format .SOUNDSCRIPT
File format .SRX
File format .STRUCT
File format .TEA
File format .TS0
File format .TXE
File format .TXH
File format .TXT12
File format .VIH
File format .WEBSETTINGS
File format .WIN32MANIFEST
File format .WMLSC
File format .WSDD
File format .XMLA
File format .XSQL
File format .XTD
File format .YBHTM
File format .YCT
File format .YWL
File format ._ME
  • ASC to TXT
  • ASS to SRT
  • ASS to SUB
  • HTM to HTML
  • HTML to ASP
  • HTML to HTM
  • KEY to TXT
  • NFO to TXT
  • SRT to ASS
  • SRT to SUB
  • SRT to TXT
  • SUB to SRT
  • SUB to TEXT
  • SUB to TXT
  • TEXT to ASC
  • TXT to ASCII
  • TXT to ASC
  • TXT to SRT