
  • Extensions that are supported by the program PeaZip

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program PeaZip with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program PeaZip can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program PeaZip visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The PeaZip supports the files The PeaZip converts the files:
File format .ACE
File format .ARC
File format .BZ
File format .BZ2
File format .BZIP2
File format .CAB
File format .CB7
File format .CBT
File format .CPIO
File format .DEB
File format .DMG
File format .EAR
File format .GZ
File format .GZIP
File format .HFS
File format .LHA
File format .LIT
File format .LZH
File format .LZMA
File format .PAK
File format .PAQ6
File format .PAQ7
File format .PAQ8
File format .PAQ8F
File format .PEA
File format .R00
File format .R01
File format .R02
File format .R03
File format .R30
File format .RAR
File format .RPM
File format .SMZIP
File format .TAR
File format .TAZ
File format .TBZ
File format .TBZ2
File format .TGZ
File format .TXZ
File format .TZ
File format .U3P
File format .UPX
File format .WIM
File format .XZ
File format .Z01
File format .ZIP
File format .ZIPX
File format .001
File format .002
File format .7Z
File format .003
File format .004
File format .005
File format .006
File format .007
File format .008
File format .009
File format .010
File format .7-ZIP
File format .LPAQ8
File format .LZMA86
File format .MSLZ
File format .PAQ8JD
File format .PAQ8L
File format .PAQ8O
File format .PART1.RAR
File format .PART2.RAR
File format .R04
File format .R05
File format .R06
File format .R07
File format .R08
File format .R09
File format .R10
File format .R11
File format .R32
File format .R33
File format .R34
File format .R41
File format .R47
File format .SPLIT
File format .WRC
File format .ZPAQ
  • 001 to 7-ZIP
  • 001 to 7Z
  • 7Z to ZIP
  • 7Z to 001
  • ARC to ZIP
  • ARC to PEA
  • CB7 to 008
  • DEB to 7-ZIP
  • DEB to 7Z
  • DEB to PEA
  • GZ to ZIP
  • ISO to ZIP
  • PEA to ARC
  • PEA to DEB
  • R00 to 008
  • RAR to ZIP
  • RAR to 7Z
  • TAR to ZIP
  • ZIP to ARC