
  • Extensions that are supported by the program Notepad

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program Notepad with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program Notepad can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program Notepad visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The Notepad supports the files
File format .A
File format .A8S
File format .ARENA
File format .AS
File format .ASA
File format .ASM
File format .ATT
File format .AVS
File format .BBZ
File format .BCS
File format .BSD
File format .BSDL
File format .BSH
File format .CELX
File format .CFG
File format .CGI
File format .CHART
File format .CMD
File format .COMPRESSED
File format .CONFIG
File format .CPQ
File format .CSV
File format .CU
File format .CUS
File format .DDF
File format .DIF
File format .DITAVAL
File format .DIZ
File format .DTD
File format .DXL
File format .ERB
File format .ERL
File format .ERR
File format .EXW
File format .GALAXY
File format .GM
File format .GSD
File format .HPS
File format .HRL
File format .HTACCESS
File format .HTM
File format .ICF
File format .IIF
File format .INF
File format .INI
File format .ION
File format .IQY
File format .JAV
File format .JAVA
File format .JPN
File format .JRTF
File format .JSON
File format .KDS
File format .LASTLOGIN
File format .LEGAL
File format .LIST
File format .LNG
File format .LOG
File format .LST
File format .LUA
File format .MAN
File format .MANIFEST
File format .MARKDN
File format .MCMETA
File format .MD
File format .MDBACKUP
File format .MDOWN
File format .ME
File format .MENU
File format .MNU
File format .MOF
File format .MSC
File format .MSHA
File format .MXML
File format .NFO
File format .OCR
File format .OSU
File format .OUT
File format .P6
File format .PER
File format .PHL
File format .PL
File format .PLR
File format .PML
File format .PP
File format .PROPERTIES
File format .PY
File format .PYM
File format .QC
File format .REFERENCE
File format .RST
File format .RTX
File format .S
File format .S2ML
File format .S2QL
File format .SAMI
File format .SBV
File format .SHA1
File format .SHA512
File format .SHADER
File format .SHTM
File format .SIF
File format .SLST
File format .SMD
File format .SQL
File format .SRC
File format .THA
File format .TSV
File format .TXT
File format .UNX
File format .URL
File format .UT8
File format .UTF8
File format .VNT
File format .WSC
File format .WTX
File format .XDR
File format .XSLT
File format .YML
File format .ZAP
File format .1ST