Awave Studio

  • Extensions that are supported by the program Awave Studio

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program Awave Studio with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program Awave Studio can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program Awave Studio visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The Awave Studio supports the files The Awave Studio converts the files:
File format .AFC
File format .AKP
File format .ALAW
File format .AMS
File format .AU
File format .AVR
File format .BWF
File format .CAF
File format .CAFF
File format .CMF
File format .DEWF
File format .DIG
File format .DLS
File format .DMF
File format .DSM
File format .DTM
File format .EDA
File format .EDE
File format .EDK
File format .EDQ
File format .EDV
File format .EFA
File format .EFE
File format .EFK
File format .EFQ
File format .EFV
File format .EMY
File format .ESPS
File format .EUI
File format .F2R
File format .F32
File format .F3R
File format .F64
File format .FSM
File format .FZB
File format .FZF
File format .FZV
File format .G721
File format .G723
File format .G726
File format .GIG
File format .GKH
File format .IMY
File format .ITI
File format .ITS
File format .K25
File format .K26
File format .KMP
File format .KRZ
File format .KSC
File format .KSF
File format .M4A
File format .MID
File format .MIDI
File format .MLS
File format .MP1
File format .MSS
File format .MT2
File format .MTI
File format .MTM
File format .NVF
File format .OKT
File format .PBF
File format .PCG
File format .PCM
File format .S3I
File format .S3M
File format .SBI
File format .SBK
File format .SC2
File format .SD
File format .SD2
File format .SDX
File format .SEQ
File format .SF2
File format .SFD
File format .SND
File format .SOU
File format .SPPACK
File format .STS
File format .SW
File format .SXT
File format .SYW
File format .TXW
File format .UAX
File format .UB
File format .ULAW
File format .ULT
File format .ULW
File format .UNI
File format .UW
File format .UWF
File format .VAG
File format .VOC
File format .VOX
File format .W01
File format .W64
File format .WFB
File format .WFD
File format .WFP
File format .XM
File format .XMI
File format .669
File format .32
File format .404
File format .???
File format .A3S
File format .AKAI
File format .ALW
File format .APEX
File format .ATAK
File format .BN4
File format .DLP
File format .DX7
File format .FNK
File format .G723-3
File format .G723-5
File format .G726-2
File format .G726-3
File format .G726-4
File format .G726-5
File format .GDM
File format .GI!
File format .HCOM
File format .IBK
File format .IMELODY
File format .KFT
File format .KR1
File format .LM4
File format .MAUD
File format .MLD
File format .MUS10
File format .NIST
File format .O01
File format .PLM
File format .PSION
File format .RMID
File format .ROCKWELL
File format .ROCKWELL-2
File format .ROCKWELL-3
File format .ROCKWELL-4
File format .RTTTL
File format .SDK
File format .SFARK
File format .SFR
File format .SFZ
File format .SNDR
File format .SNDT
File format .SVQ
File format .TVN
File format .U255LAW
File format .UDW
File format .V8
File format .VAB
File format .VM1
File format .VOX-6K
File format .VOX-8K
File format .VSB
File format .W03
File format .W04
File format .W05
File format .W06
File format .W07
File format .W08
File format .W09
File format .W2A
File format .W2V
File format .W2W
File format .W7A
File format .W7V
File format .W7W
File format .W8V
File format .W??
File format .WA!
File format .WUSIKSND
File format .YADPCM
  • APE to M4A
  • APE to WV
  • M4A to WV
  • MIDI to MID