Visual Studio

  • Extensions that are supported by the program Visual Studio

    In the table below you will find all the links of the program Visual Studio with file formats, which can be found in our database. In addition, if the program Visual Studio can be used to perform file format conversion, you should also be able to find the information below. If you believe that the data presented here are incomplete, you can report it to us. If you are looking for a trusted location, from where you can download the program Visual Studio visit the link "Manufacturer’s site" at the bottom.

Ad The Visual Studio supports the files
File format .A
File format .ADDIN
File format .APPLICATION
File format .APPREF-MS
File format .APPX
File format .APPXSYM
File format .APPXUPLOAD
File format .APS
File format .ASAX
File format .ASCX
File format .ASHX
File format .ASM
File format .ASMX
File format .ASP
File format .ASPX
File format .AXD
File format .BAS
File format .BROWSER
File format .BSC
File format .C
File format .CC
File format .CD
File format .CDF-MS
File format .CLW
File format .COD
File format .CONFIG
File format .CPP
File format .CS
File format .CSHTML
File format .CSPROJ
File format .CSS
File format .CSX
File format .CTL
File format .CXX
File format .DBML
File format .DBPROJ
File format .DEF
File format .DGML
File format .DGSL
File format .DISCO
File format .DISCOMAP
File format .DLL
File format .DMP
File format .DOB
File format .DOX
File format .DSP
File format .DSW
File format .DTD
File format .EAZ
File format .EDMX
File format .EXD
File format .EXP
File format .FEATURE
File format .FILTERS
File format .FS
File format .FSI
File format .FSPROJ
File format .FSSCRIPT
File format .FSX
File format .FX
File format .H
File format .HDMP
File format .HH
File format .HLSL
File format .HPP
File format .HTM
File format .HTML
File format .HXA
File format .HXC
File format .HXN
File format .HXS
File format .HXX
File format .I
File format .IDB
File format .IDC
File format .IDL
File format .ILK
File format .INC
File format .INL
File format .IPCH
File format .JAVA
File format .L
File format .LICENSES
File format .LICX
File format .LOCK
File format .LSPROJ
File format .LST
File format .MAK
File format .MAKEFILE
File format .MANIFEST
File format .MASTER
File format .MDB
File format .MDMP
File format .MDP
File format .MFCRIBBON-MS
File format .MK
File format .ML
File format .MSHA
File format .MSHI
File format .MSM
File format .MYAPP
File format .NCB
File format .NUPKG
File format .OCA
File format .OCX
File format .ODL
File format .OLB
File format .PCH
File format .PDB
File format .PDM
File format .PLG
File format .PRJ
File format .PROPS
File format .PSESS
File format .RC
File format .RC2
File format .RCT
File format .RDLC
File format .REFRESH
File format .RES
File format .RESJSON
File format .RESOURCES
File format .RESW
File format .RESX
File format .RGS
File format .RLL
File format .RPT
File format .RSP
File format .RULESET
File format .S
File format .SBR
File format .SCC
File format .SETTINGS
File format .SITEMAP
File format .SKIN
File format .SLL
File format .SLN
File format .SNIPPET
File format .SNK
File format .SQL
File format .SQLPROJ
File format .SRC
File format .SSC
File format .SUO
File format .SVC
File format .SVN-BASE
File format .TARGETS
File format .TLH
File format .TLI
File format .TRX
File format .TT
File format .UDL
File format .USER
File format .VB
File format .VBD
File format .VBG
File format .VBHTML
File format .VBP
File format .VBPROJ
File format .VBS
File format .VBSCRIPT
File format .VBW
File format .VBX
File format .VBZ
File format .VCP
File format .VCPROJ
File format .VCW
File format .VCXPROJ
File format .VDP
File format .VDPROJ
File format .VSCONTENT
File format .VSDISCO
File format .VSI
File format .VSMACROS
File format .VSMDI
File format .VSMPROJ
File format .VSPF
File format .VSPROPS
File format .VSPS
File format .VSPSCC
File format .VSPX
File format .VSSETTINGS
File format .VSSSCC
File format .VSZ
File format .W32
File format .WIQ
File format .WSC
File format .WSDL
File format .WSF
File format .WSP
File format .XBAP
File format .XLA
File format .XLV
File format .XML
File format .XOML
File format .XSC
File format .XSD
File format .XSL
File format .XSLT
File format .XSX
File format .XUI
File format .XUR
File format .Y